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Conservation Commission Minutes 12/15/04
Antrim Conservation Commission Notes:           
Meeting: December 15, 2004 at Antrim Town Hall 7PM
Attended by: Peter Beblowski, Melissa Chapman, and Pat Webber,
Absent: Rod Zwirner Linda Bryer, and Peter Moore                                     

1.      November Meeting notes accepted by attendees.

2.      The Campbell Pond Easement was discussed. Things continue to move forward slowly.  Melissa & Peter to continue GPS survey.  Data looks good, however, there are some difficulties layering it onto air photos.  Melissa has determined problem with aerial photo layer is due to specific data layer.  She will rectify soon.  Need member response on most recent draft easement from Monadnock Conservancy  (MC).   PB to contact MC.

3.      New Town website: discussed.  Carol Webber suggested providing a Town street map on the site.  This will be done.

4.      Meadow Marsh Land   Rod to start developing a plan for the Meadow Marsh Land.

5.      PB attended Rec Land Committee meetings.  Several options being explored.  Very optimistic about potential projects.  West Street area land has some good conservation land qualities.

6.      ZBA

         Zsofka subdivision discussion: New hearing scheduled for December 21, 2004.  Plans changed to share a driveway to avoid wetland impact.  Back lot shows no benefit.  Suggest increase of buffers to 50 ft for back lot.

        Schnare Proposal discussion: Proposal accepted by ZBA. Additional discussions to be had to finalize CE details prior to final subdivision approval.

        Lauber Proposal discussion: Passed ZBA CE/ deed covenants to be worked out.

7.      Next Hike: Lily Pond/Meetinghouse Hill Trail Hike: Pending date & time to be determined upon availability.   
8.      Rod to continue to try to contact Paul Whittemore about a trail easement for the Balancing Rock/Bald Mtn Trail.    

9.      Peter B to speak with B Prokop regarding formal walking easement into Campbell Pond from Lauber’s.

10.     Open Space Committee  a). Report from Melissa, first meeting went well.  PB gave Melissa copy of September 1, 2004 SWRPC letter RE air photos.  She said present plan of committee was Charlie L to purchase base photos and get reimbursed by Town.  Discussion ensued.  It was decided that the B Prokop, Town Administrator would be notified that up to $200.00 of Conservation Fund money could be used for photos for base maps/plans and it is recommended that mention of funding provided through the Conservation Fund by the Conservation Commission for base maps/photos would be appreciated on products produced by the Open Space Committee.  The members in attendance voted unanimously to direct the Town Administrator to make $200 from the Conservation Fund available to the Open Space Committee for maps/photos.

11.     2005 Budget was discussed with B Prokop in 1st week of Dec and set at $1,000.

12.     Wetland and other Permits needing attention:  
i.      Boucher  Application – Bounced back by Wetlands Bureau 10/13/04
ii.     Harriman Excavation Expansion – Issued by Planning Board.
iii.    Zimmerman Excavation Expansion-Pending.
iv.     Knapton Subdivision ????
v.      Ted Olsen passed ZBA buffer crossing. Wetland permit issued by NHDES, pending subdivision approval.
vi.     Zsofka ZBA rehearing set for Dec 21. Ltr discussed                       .

13.     Bruce Edes Forest still pending discussion with Bennington Boy Scouts & CC. PB spoke with Brian Beihl on several occasions.
14.     Workshops & Other Activities:

        Dec 18 at the Harris Center, all day  Christmas Bird Count  31st year for the Upper Contoocook Valley Count begun by Cadot & Company in 1973.~ Birding enthusiast Dave Rowell is the count coordinator and compiler.~ You need not be an expert to be a participant in the count, which is part of the world’s largest (continent-wide) and best known biological survey.~ To join in the fun call Dave. And all participants, family and friends are invited to a pass-the-hat pizza and potluck party at 6 pm to share results and camaraderie.
        January 12, 2005 - Building a Bat House Workshop at Shieling Forest, Peterborough 6-8 pm $10/kit.  Call 431-6774 to pre-register, space is limited.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 at 7 PM at Town Hall.